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Who’s in your room?

“The room always wins.”    

Ok, if you’re a gambler it sounds like a pun for “the house always wins”.  Before you leave this page let me explain.

Being a member of BNI Philippines has opened many learning opportunities for me. In fact, I got introduced to the dynamic world of entrepreneurs.  Being new in the field, I’m like a sponge taking in all the unfamiliar, the exciting, the promising network of ideas, experiences, challenges and personalities. I’m thriving.

Last month, I met the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. This is a man who has changed the lives of millions of people all over the world.  His recent book Who’s in Your Room? will certainly continue to make a difference in peoples’ lives.

The “room” is your proverbial domain, your circle of safety, your happy place, if you will. Who you allow entry into your room will determine your quality of life.  The people you work with, eat with, converse with, collaborate with and make love with. Sounds simple?  Sure.

What I like about this book is its simplicity.  You’re positive, nurturing, appreciative and collaborative?  Stay. You’re narcissistic, close-minded, pretentious and phony?  Stay away, far away.  You’re the doorman of your room, the gate-keeper.  Choose the people who enter your room well.

It also talks about ways to deal with undesirable people who somehow slipped inside.  Because let’s face it, sometimes those people come in disguise.  You only discover the truth over time.

The book is full of simple wisdom you can easily apply in your life.  Read it.  It will make a difference in yours.

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